Articles on: Woo Commerce Issues

502 Bad Gateway

502 Bad Gateway also known as HTTP 502 error.

Generally, there are the following reasons that cause this error :
The website is unstable with bugs with PHP programming(Coding Problem).
The internet gateway is unable to pull content from the origin server and also the server is down and cannot be reached.

Communication to Client
Tell the client that this error is caused due to the above-mentioned reasons. In order to fix the issue, our development team has to recognize the issue because this Error may be caused due to many reasons. It requires certain coding patches and has to diagnose the server side as well, It is a complex task, therefore, requires the technical expertise and we will provide it for you.

Client's Hosting URL.
Client's Hosting Credentials (Username and Password)
Importantly: Verify the credentials then and there over the phone or via chat.

Sometimes it becomes so tough to know the Client's hosting, therefore, ask for Hosting URL.
To check the website information Go to

60 Minutes.

Always confirm the time frame with the developers.


Updated on: 01/10/2018

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