Articles on: Website Down Error

Parse Error

The client is seeing the Parse Error.

Generally, this is the following reason that causes this error :
Error in the code syntax( A missing comma or an extra curly bracket can break the entire script.)

Communication to Client
Tell the client that this error is caused due to the above-mentioned reason. In order to fix the issue, our development team has to edit the code that caused this error and also recognize the other causes as well. This is a tedious job and needs time to fix, it will be very tough for non-tech savvy to fix this, therefore, requires the technical expertise and we will provide it for you.

Client's Hosting URL.
Client's Hosting Credentials (Username and Password)
Importantly: Verify the credentials then and there over the phone or via chat.

Sometimes it becomes so tough to know the Client's hosting, therefore always ask for Hosting URL.
To check the website information Go to

60 Minutes.

Always confirm the time frame with the developers.


Updated on: 30/07/2018

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