Articles on: Woo Commerce Issues

Subsciption Payment

The client wants to create subscription products.

Generally, this is the following reason that the client wants the Subscription Payment option :
The emails aren’t coming through, which can be caused by the client's server. By default, WordPress (and WooCommerce) uses phpmail() to send out emails, which can be problematic on shared hosts that may have a sending limit or restrictions on how emails are sent.
Failure of WooCommerce Email setup.

Communication to Client
Tell the client that we can fix the above-mentioned issue, but It requires a lot of diagnoses as it may be because of the above-mentioned reasons, this needs trouble shooting by technical expertise and we will provide it for you. It's really tough for non-tech savvy to trace and fix the issue.

Client's Paypal, Stripe etc gateway login credentials.
Client's Wordpress Website URL, Credentials(Username and Password).
Client's Hosting URL and Credentials(Password and Username).
Importantly: Verify the credentials then and there over the phone or via chat.

|INote: Client must already do the WooCommerce setup.
To check the website information Go to

120 Minutes.

Always confirm the time frame with the developers.


Updated on: 30/07/2018

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